Tuesday, December 4, 2007

And the Countdown Begins

I've managed to let Thanksgiving slip by without even a blip. It was certainly great to see my family. Saw my niece and nephew -- that was truly the highlight of my holiday. What a softie am I?

But now the post-turkey-gotta-get-everything-done-before-12/31 rush is on. Not just the shopping, the cards, the party planning. I mean the rush to wrap up all the things I swore I'd get done in 2007 but never even looked at twice.

As I stare down the barrel of the final days of 2007, I panic whenever I look at my list:

1. Live greener/lessen my negative impact on the environment - I hope I can integrate more of this into my daily life in '08, but thanks to my roommie, I've begun to take care of things like composting"

2. Get back in touch with friends I've managed to let slip in the past few years - You know, the old roommate who now lives in the suburbs, former co-worker who was your twin while you were working together, etc.

3. Purge any unusuable clothing, books, tchochkes. - No comment here.

4. Find a new sport to keep me interested - Yay! This, I got covered with hiking.

5. Re-discover old sports I've always loved but haven't pursued in NYC - I love swimming. Couldn't get me out of the water when I was a teenager. Anyone know a decent pool in NYC that won't cost an arm an a leg?

6. Eat healthier - This I've managed to improve somewhat. Reading books like Omnivore's Dilemma and Fast Food Nation helps a lot!

7. Watch TV less - Does it count if I watch less junk? No, REALLY!

8. Finish the damn book I've been working on for the last several years - No comment.

9. Be a better friend - Well, if I haven't managed to do this in the past 11 months, no hope left for this year.

10. Be more productive so I can have more downtime - Is this one even humanly possible these days without having a personal assistant????

What's your list look like?