Thursday, September 20, 2007

Pet Peeve of the Month

Okay, this is a pure, unfettered rant. One of my biggest pet peeves hit me again today.

So I'm walking up the exit stairs of the West 4th Street stop, walking behind this guy who's walking a bit slow for my taste. But that's not my pet peeve. It is annoying when people slow down just as they reach the stairway, but it's not the end of the world.

What does get my goat is that he slowed to a complete stop by the second step, then lit up a cigarette. He took a deep drag, and blew it out with the world's biggest exhale, as if he wanted me to get the full lungful of second hand smoke.

What the f**k is that??? I have friends who are smokers, and I never mind if they light up in my company because they make a conscious effot to not let the smoke blow my way. But the "Subway Step Smokers" are the worst offenders of the city ordinance against smoking in public places, not just because they light up in the most public of city space -- the little bit of transitional space between the subway and the sidewalk -- but mostly because their actions speak volumes about total their lack of respect for other human beings. Their act is almost defiant, as if to say "I know you can't stand this smoke blowing in your face, and that's exactly why I do it."

Folks -- please, I beg of you -- there are those of us who absolutely cannot breathe if you leave a trail of smoke behind you as you exit the subway. A bit of consideration shown to your fellow subway riders by waiting the ten steps it takes you to walk out to the sidewalk to light up would be graciously appreciated. In fact, the next time a smoker waits to light up, I WILL go up to him/her and thank him/her profusely for their magnanimous generosity shown to other human beings. No, really. I totally would.

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