Thursday, October 4, 2007

Is it just me...

1. ...or is there a push by the mainstream media to proclaim Hillary Clinton as the unofficial Democratic Party nominnee?

2. ...or does it feel like we've been in full throttle of Global Warming in recent years? (modified per comments)

3. ...or with hundreds of new shows on TV this fall, there's nothing worth watching?

4. ...or should I be scared that the #1 movie in the US this past weekend was The Game Plan?

5. ...or has CNN become a Fox News clone?

Just sayin'.


UmmN said...

1- ya think? ;)
2- Definitely definitely Global Warming now, last month, a year ago..hellooooo
3- Don't know about the TV shows, am currently utterly obsessed with my extended version of Gray's Anatomy Season 2 on DVD. McObsessed.
4-Don't know..should you be scared? what is it....(Beirut, remember..)
5- CNN has been a Fox wannabe for a few years now...subtle but sinister..
6- So cool that you have a blog..

Anna Maria Pellizzari said...

3. Judge Judy, Oprah, Jon Stewart - those are the only ones worth watching IMO. Other than Lost when it's in season, I don't do prime time TV.