Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Top 10 [fill in the blank]s of the Year 2010

As we begin our annual ritual of holiday parties (went to my first one of the season tonight, and it's not even Thanksgiving yet!), and the madness begins with the pre-pre-pre-pre-Black Friday sales, I thought I'd start a new annual tradition. While the new year is about starting things anew, shedding our old skin, etc., the holiday season is a good time to reflect on the year that is nearly passed by, and to even revisit the emotional highs and lows of the year. Haven't figured out what to call this list yet -- Top 10 Milestones? Top 10 Watershed moments? I'm taking suggestions.

So until I get a really good submission from one of my 3 readers, here is my Top 10 [fill in the blank]s of the Year for 2010:

10. The [Republican] Boys Are Back in Town: Need I say more, other than groan?

9. The Big Heist: The MTA in its inimitable fashion approved yet another fare hike, this time choosing to penalize their most loyal riders by jacking up the Unlimited cards.

8. Big Forecast, NOT: Apparently, the Great Recession is over. So why is unemployment up?

7. Team CoCo Ya!: Conan O'Brien lived through the world's ugliest divorce from the Peacock network. Thankfully, he was able to throw the proverbial pie in their face by beating Jay on the debut of his new show on TBS.

6. Brett Favre Throws a Dud: I thought I'd seen the worst in celeb-athelete misbehaving when Tiger Woods couldn't hide anymore from all his indiscretions. Turns out the best football player of the last decade may be even more pathetic by stalking a young intern.

5. iPad Gets Mixed Reviews/iPhone Get Lifted: Not long after Apple launched the iPad to reviews that ran the entire spectrum from "too soon" to "just in time", Gizmodo [allegedly] committed theft by publishing the details from the new generation of the prototype that hadn't been released yet that they "recovered" from a bar.

4. Glenn Beck Needs to Just Go Away!!!: Need I say more?

3. Chilean Miners: With all the mining tragedies around, I can't believe they all made it. But did we actually expect that someone shut up underground for almost 3 months could actually run the NYC Marathon?

2. The Big Spill in the Big Easy: If ever there were a clear example of how oil is bad for the environment in the short term in addition to slowly killing Earth...

1. The Clueless: Can we PLEASE make it mandatory for EVERY SINGLE MEMBER of the Tea Party to take an American History 101 class??? N-O-W???

And scene...

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